The bells of Ireland, a happy addition to any bouquet!
I love celebrating St. Patrick’s Day every year. It’s a huge holiday in our family, so when I came across this lovely kit in Georgie Steeds’ Etsy shop, I grabbed one right away. I’ve never seen them in miniature, so this was quite a happy surprise!
Still on a flower-making roll, I began this kit during my lunch break from a custom order, and was surprised how quickly I finished. The entire process took only about an hour and the results are sweet indeed! When they are dry, the mini royal florist will deliver them to Crown Jewel Manor and add them to a vase filled with Gosia Suchodolska‘s exquisite roses. A bouquet of beauty and good luck, something we can all appreciate.
Try your hand at making a mini flower kit this week. They’re quite addicting and you can brighten up your mini coffee or kitchen table!
Robin ♥
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